Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our First Meeting Done!!!!

Well, thank you to everyone who was praying for us this past weekend - our first Home Study meeting went by like a breeze. Mike came right at 4:00pm on the dot and sat and talked with us asked us a lot of questions about our childhood, what our relationship was with our parents growing up - what it was like now. Both Brandon and I have been blessed with such great parents that it was a fairly easy effortless interview. He was very gracious with his time answering any questions that we had. Then we gave him a large wad of cash (we are on the cash envelope system right now!) and he left! It was over with before I even knew it. the funny part is preparing for a Home Study. My husband SCRUBBED our bathroom for 45 minutes to make sure it was spick-and-span clean, and Mike didnt even use the restroom! He came in, sat down on the couch, we talked, he left. No white glove test. (I had horror movies playing in my head of how we would be deemed unfit parents because he would find a pair of misplaced underware under the couch or something - lol)

So now we wait for our references to be sent back to him and for him to close out the Home Study process. Once we are approved we can file our paperwork with the immagration office and start to apply for international adoption grants. Anyone with bright fundraising ideas - please let me know!!!


R&H said...

remember- each fee is paid little by little so you won't have to have a huge lump of money until later in the process.
There are lots of places that offer grants for adoption and there are also many times reduced agency fees for "special needs" placements- that could be as little as a birthmark or cleft lip/palate, etc. Tons of things we normally don't really see as special need because you can live a really normal happy healthy life with such things.
Did the agency have any sort of timeline for your adoption? Do you have to do a dossier? I truly hope that you don't have to wait as long as we did, although we ARE thankful that we waited so long in a way because we were able to really research and read a lot about adoption and Vietnam and we were MUCH better prepared for the transiton to parenthoood and the trip to Vietnam than some other couples we've met.

Anyway I'm really glad you guys had a wonderful first homestudy meeting-can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that you guys were this far along with this plan...I'm so excited for you! I will definitely keep you in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

How Amazing!!! So excited for you both and the start of your new family:) Love you guys!!!

TomM said...

Sure I've got a great fund raising idea for you. Sell some Perfect Water for your Perfect Adoption - $8 + bonus for every case you sell! Everybody drinks water and this way everyone could help you.