Monday, April 7, 2008

Preparing for the Home Study

Brandon and I spent a few hours on Friday night filling out our autobiographies for the home study. They are 13 pages long and ask you very in depth questions about your childhood, your parents, how you view live and how you will raise your child. The questions were not hard, per say, but there are SO MANY of them and some of them really make you stop and think.

I honestly think that after going through the process of a HomeSudy, it should almost be a mandatory thing for any young couple who is interested in starting a family. Brandon and I have even had questions that, in answering them, found out we had never discussed them together!

We are enjoying the process and looking forward to our first home study meeting on the 25th. We are not really sure what to expect. We have done some reading on line, but if there is anyone who has info on what we are going to experience at our initial meeting, that would be great!


R&H said...

our homestudy was very easy. Simple questions about why we want to adopt, why we chose Vietnam, what we like to do together and how we will include Vietnam and Vietnamese culture into our life with our child. Also questions about how we feel about our child's birth mother came up, and if we would be willing to ever meet with her if by chance we knew where/who she was.
Don't worry about it. You guys will be excellent parents!
The homestudy was really no big deal!!
Good luck!

R&H said...

Hey I was thinking about you guys today. Hope the first homestudy meeting went well for you guys!

Shara@LittleGrayTable said...

Hope the meeting went smoothly.

R&H said...

I came across another family adopting from south africa