Saturday, May 3, 2008

Blood Tests and More!

Well, we have been putting it off for a week, so I think that we will go to get our bloodwork done this week. It is just a few simple blood tests, but for some reason it is really easy to put off!

Thank you to everyone for your encouraging words and for your prayers! This is such a long and uncertain journey, and it is SO NICE to have such a wonderful family and support system around us - and we FEEL YOUR PRAYERS! The journey has not been without its bumps even so-far, but we have patience and peace and we are fully confident that God has his hand in every step of this process!

I went and got a Lakewood Library card on Thursday evening. I am now obsessed with checking out books! I dont know why anyone buys certain books without giving them a test drive from the library first! I know there are some books that you need to buy to reference back from time to time in life, but I am just in LOVE with being able to check them out. I have not done a lot of this since elementry and highschool (which is rapidly aproching the 10 year mark, might I add! AH!)

So please suggest any good adoption reads you may have run across!