Friday, October 31, 2008

National Adoption Day is November 15th!!!

So November 15th is National Adoption Day! I just found that out! How cool is that!!

I was reading up on it, and people around the country get together to raise awareness of adoptions, especially adoptions in the foster care system.

National Adoption Day 2008 Goals

Finalize adoptions from foster care in all 50 states

Celebrate and honor families who adopt

Raise awareness about the 129,000 children in foster care waiting for adoption

Encourage others to adopt children from foster care

Build collaboration among local adoption agencies, courts and advocacy organizations

So congrats to all the folks out there who have completed their adoptions already! (Heather and Ryan!)


R&H said...

Thanks! :)
Adoption is amazing.

I've had a couple of posts written out about your adoption before bio child post below but I just can't put it all into words. I often just say why would we create another child on this earth when there are so many already waiting. Elia was my daughter before I was even born and there were tons of signs of that all along- it's amazing. Adoption is God's calling for sure.

R&H said...

oh guess what
last night I had a dream that your parents adopted an older sibling group from Ethiopia- hahaha!
I guess I have orphans on my brain even while I'm sleeping.

R&H said...

My favorite quote that says it all-

To pledge one's heart as home to a child, to lay open one's heart to the possibility of receiving the most sacred of trust, is not about lists and daycare costs. It is about transformation, about openings one's life to the possibility of things never ever being the same. It is about reaching deep into the fear and the anxiety and the unknown, with a blind certainty that you are part of something right and holy and beautiful and rare. Adoption is about risking the possibility of pain, rejection and loss-your child's, her birth parent's, your family's, your own.
Adoption is messy. Nothing about it-not the applying, not the waiting, not the receiving, nor even the living with adoption for that matter-is neat or predictable or emotionally safe. Parenting is messy, backbreaking, heartbreaking, soul-stretching work. Loving and transforming, becoming a family is sloppy and shaky and packed with unbelievably wondrous joy.
So why did I do it? I've come now to believe, as so many adoptive parents have affirmed that "I did not choose adoption;rather adoption chose me." I laid open my heart, I listened, and I said yes-over and over again at each step, yes. Yes I will open myself to the possibility of this chance. Yes I will jump, blindfolded, my heart on a platter, over this cliff without a net.

And trust me, your heart will never be the same again!

R&H said...

I think about you guys a lot even though I don't talk to you guys much lately!

I found this video and I really loved it. I thought you might enjoy it as well.
I love that the entire family went to Ethiopia to bring their new beautiful baby home.

R&H said...

Thinking about you guys today!
I know the holidays were the hardest time in the wait for us- it was hard to have Elia so far away with so many unknowns about her life and care she was receiving, even those 2 years we were in the process but didn't know who she was.